Our first anniversary

Amid the hustle and bustle of a busy production day, Pencillati silently completed one year today. 

No parties, yet a lot to celebrate. It has been a dream start for a studio starting out with no more than a vision of providing high-quality workmanship and an eye on the future. Our growth in the last year is a testimony to the thought that everything falls into place when you think big and focus on value creation. Our focus on quality has won us a stellar team of colleagues, a bunch of amazing clients who are an absolute privilege to work with and some valuable experience of making art for games.

Looking ahead through the mist of promises and excitement, it seems pretty clear that Pencillati will be facing new challenges and knocking on bigger opportunities. And while doing this, we will have a real chance at contributing to the future of entertainment. All we need to do is continue to learn, improve quickly and offer the unbeatable advantage to our clients. And we are getting better at it. Here’s a little snapshot of the year gone by, in the form of an infographic.

Wishing many happy returns to the spirit of excellence.

Yours gamingly,